jueves, octubre 08, 2009

English parks

This is a very interesting article about the beautiful parks in London.I suppose we all share the joy of wandering around them.

The size of the document has to be enlarged to read it properly depending on your sight and one of the documents is upside down.Sorry for that.Nobody is perfect!

Hope you enjoy.All the best!


English parks 1
English parks 2

jueves, enero 29, 2009

The Lost Art of walking Geoff Nicholson

Here is the reference of a very interesting book about the history, literature and art of pedestrianism.It does only exist in English at the moment.

viernes, septiembre 19, 2008

Improving language teaching in the digital age

Here is the power point presentation I made for the Arion Study visit in Sunderland University in Newcastle England from the 22nd to the 26th of september 2008.The topic of the visit is "Improving language teaching in the digital age".This is what we the Teacher Centre in Menorca and the Education Conselleria together with Programes Internacionals try to carry on during this school year.
I would like to receive your feedback, ideas and suggestions too.

miércoles, septiembre 10, 2008

New school year 2008-2009

Here are the priorities for this school year.Hope you feel energetic ,ready to share and learn from the new teacher training activities both seminar and courses.

Foreign language priorities

Watch out the enrollments of courses and seminars.
Have a nice school year.
Pump yourself.

lunes, junio 16, 2008

Activitats Assessoria de Llengües Estrangeres curs 2008-2009

Estimats companys i companyes.
Aquí vos adjunt els cursos i seminaris que tenim previst fer el proper curs escolar.
No vos espanteu.Descansau a l'estiu i agafeu forces i ganes per el proper curs escolar.
Pensau que també hi ha cursos de formació a distància de TICs (webquests ,hot potatoes i click),Plan Enseña al setembre, etc ,etc,
Animau-vos a apuntar-vos.
Renovarse o morir.Bon Estiu!!!!!!

viernes, mayo 09, 2008

Benjamin Black

A recommended book by Benjamin Black titled The Silver Swan( El otro nombre de Laura.Alfaguara). I saw it in Babelia El País last weekend and thought it was interesting.It is the pen name of John Banville.